Τετάρτη 12 Απριλίου 2017


i am the queen i build iced castles
i live alone i feel alright
pearls on my hair 
a  throne of mistakes
and a  broken heart as gift to my king

And when the morning comes again 
don't break my chain, don't break my chain.
And when the fear touch me at night
become my knight, become my knight.

And when you feel alone again
do touch my chain do touch my chain
and when you feel you have to fight
become my knight, become my knight

i dream alone in bed at night
seems like tomorrow but is just now
trying to touch you but don't know how
under the water there is no dark
only the cold cause we are apart

And when the morning comes again 
don't break my chain, don't break my chain.
And when the fear touch me at night
become my knight, become my knight.

And when you feel alone again
do touch my chain do touch my chain
and when you feel you have to fight
become my knight, become my knight

(SUE) 022017


I see you in words
All I can hear
Is an old violin crying 

Apart to the measure of worlds
All I can bear
The pain of my trying

Upon thee my love's spell to cast
Cover you in my desire's thrust
Hold on to your words so fast
As long as sun's warm circle would ever last.

(L.K.) 042017

Τρίτη 11 Απριλίου 2017


I dream of you, I do have faith 

that one day i ll be the one 
I ll be the queen in your heart
in your mind in your arms
I dream of you I don' t feel pain
i lost my relligion I don't have name

I feel the lust flows in my vein
like the August's wine in my throat
like an old burbon in a crystall glass
You give me love, you give me hope 
you drive me crazy but now i live
forgot who i was forgot what i did.

Naked in your arms fill me with your love 

I don't care about the future there is no past
there is only you and your will
Naked in front of you listening my heart
as you give me breath as you give me life
as you drive me to eternity.

(Sue) 04.2017 


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